Your Local Expert Audiologist
Lee Weissman, Au.D. is an Audiologist committed to excellence in hearing care. With locations in Novato and Windsor, we prioritize personalized, evidence-based hearing solutions.

The very best for each individual.
Personalized Care
Dr. Lee Weissman listens closely to his patients and their families to provide more individualized treatment plans and outcomes.
State-of-the-Art Technology
We offer hearing aids from the leading brands in hearing technology, including Oticon, Phonak, Widex, Resound and more.
Best Practice Hearing Care
We utilize evidence-based best practices in our hearing aid fittings, including the use of Real Ear Measurement technology.
Lee Weissman, Au.D.
Dr. Weissman has been dispensing hearing aids for over 12 years and has been an Audiologist in Marin country for 10 years. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt Medical School, a Doctor of Audiology curriculum that is consistently one of the top-ranked programs in the world.
Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.)
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
California State University, Sacramento

Hear So Good Audiology & Hearing Aids - Services
Hearing Aid Repairs
We repair hearing aids from many different brands.
Hearing Protection
Protect your hearing with custom protection.
Hearing Aid Fittings
Get best-practice hearing aid fittings.
Hearing Tests
Comprehensive and comfortable hearing tests.
Patient testimonials
We work hard to get the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Contact Us
We have two convenient locations in Marin and Sonoma counties.
Friday: By special arrangement only

Friday: By special arrangement only